Warmer weather is coming and with that also the fleas and ticks! In April we are emphasizing the importance of having your pet year round on flea/tick and heartworm prevention!
In North Carolina, year round heartworm prevention is essential. Heartworms are spread by mosquitos and so, even indoor only cats can be infected. We see mosquitos in our area year round so prevention must be maintained all year long to keep your dog or cat from contacting heartworm disease. There are many good options for heartworm prevention available, talk to your veterinarian to determine which is best for you and your pet.
As warmer weather comes, so do the fleas and ticks. If you stopped for the winter, now is the time to restart the prevention for your pet. We are starting to see fleas/ticks come back with the weather change, so call our office and make sure that your pet has enough preventatives to stay healthy and pest free!
We also offer a BEAN special (bath, ear cleaning, anal sac expression and nail trim) for the month of April!